domingo, 7 de fevereiro de 2010

Não se preocupem, querid@s, tá tudo bem.
Vamos deixar o passado inteiramente no passado.
Amo vocês.
Obrigada pela força.

5 comentários:

Nina disse...


Dá cá um abraço!

Tamires disse...

Tem cá 2 abraço!

Skull disse...

That is for sure the real truth... In fact that is why most 'ex-partners' stalk their former beloved ones checking out their blogs, orkuts, facebooks, twitters and so on (as nowadays it has become so common for everybody to have them and to put a bit of themselves there)... It's simply because they realize what they have lost but aren't mature enough to move on or to apologize for their wrongs... I'm sure you were one of the best things that happened to him and better, you'll find something better along the way. From what I've read in your blog, (yes. I've gotten addicted to reading it I must admit) you are a fantastic person, with a great personality and other virtues. Life is a very interesting path with it's many windings.. You'll find what you're looking for somewhere along it!

Ana Paula disse...

Que momento! Aposto que havia um leque perto de ti neste momento de revelação!

Ana Paula disse...

Mas gostei da figurinha. Achei válido.